My trip to NE USA will take my from NYC to Buffalo via Rochester NY, Buffalo to Chicago IL, then Cleveland OH, before coming back through Niagara Falls, and Toronto.
I seem to be writing quite a bit for each day, so use the Prev and Next links to go from day to day
I got a copy of all the photos taken on Coriander's camera, these can be viewed here.
Scott and Coriander saw me off at the airport, it was a little sad as we didn't really want to part, however the vacation must go on!
The flight was fairly uneventful, the usual check in, security check, taxi, up, down, ear pop, head to baggage claim. It was a lot more simple than international flights however as there was no immigration aspects to deal with.
Candle was waiting for me at the bottom of the escalator to baggage claim.
I was expecting a car, but we take train... kudos to Candle for being a public transport supporter :)
I get a 3 day pass for the transport system, this allows me to get on any bus or train in Chicago except for the Metra.
We get off at Wabash, and have salad for breakfast/lunch.
Candle took me to see the fountain then lake front, which is the one shown in the Married with Children show.
After this we go through Millenium park to see the sculptures, including the bean (cloud gate). It is the first really nice day I have experienced, clear blue skies, not too humid, and a slight breeze.
We head to the John Hancock tower for cocktails in signature. John Hancock was one of the first people to sign the American Declaration of Independence.
I had some Godiva Martini, this was simply delicious!
We then headed to the apple store to check AT & T plans for iphone (I know, I'm a geek!)
After that we get on the number 146 bus to Granville, where I check in to the hostel. The hostel is of poor quality, with no locker space for my bag, and an apparently shoddy approach to front desk security also.
I check the balance on my card, but still no luck. They admit they received the payment on Wednesday, but claim it takes extra time to clear because it was more than my credit limit that I paid in.
We go on to a nice Thai restaurant, where I had a very enjoyable Khing curry with Candle, before walking the 2 miles back to the hostel, still carrying my bags.