USA 2008

My trip to NE USA will take my from NYC to Buffalo via Rochester NY, Buffalo to Chicago IL, then Cleveland OH, before coming back through Niagara Falls, and Toronto.

I seem to be writing quite a bit for each day, so use the Prev and Next links to go from day to day

I got a copy of all the photos taken on Coriander's camera, these can be viewed here.

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I woke up reasonably early, given how late I got to bed, this may be a side effect of the jetlag however.
I had a bagel with ham and cheese, a banana, and a cup of coffee for breakfast. This seemed to be just what I needed. After that I set out for a wander around Central Park.
My plan had been to go down towards Strawberry Fields, however I totally failed in this, and ended up back on West Parkside. Great. I thought I would try to get to the museums on the other side instead, and so took a different path, trying to get to the east. I made it around the north playfields and ended up back on the west side.
By now I was quite bewildered. Obviously the park is full of space/time anomalies and I needed to take more care walking through it. No wonder people keep saying to avoid the park!!
I decided that the only way I was going to make it was to walk south down the west side, so this I did till I found 96th street, and then cut across the park. This proved a good plan as I soon found myself outside the Art Gallery. I checked out the price and decided against it.. for that much money I'd want to spend a whole day there, not rush about!
I made my way to times square, which was a lot smaller than I had anticipated, and full of people. I even got to see the famous (I didn't know he was famous yet) naked cowboy. I later found out he was famous as he is on a post card set!
Having now reached lunch time and walked some 3 miles, I decided I needed lunch and a cold drink (it's hot and humid here!). I made it to Appleby's and had a rather nice Chicken Caeser salad, and used my trusty recovered mobile phone to spod a bit. This proved to be good (?) fortune) as it enabled me to interrogate everyone on Brigandine as to where a good place to get clothes would be.
I thence proceeded to spend $500 on clothes!! Eeek. I must remember to shuffle some money back in to my poor over stretched credit card so that I don't have any hefty charges!
PHEW! That's done :)
Anyway, back to the diary.. after spending copious amounts on clothes, I went to the top of the Empire State building (well the 86th floor) and took lots of photos of misty cityscape, with a visibility range of next to nothing, so I'm afraid they won't be very exciting :(
My ankle somehow has become quite sore with all this trapsing, I suspect it may actually have been the flight.excercises that I failed to manage properly. At any rate, I took the subway back, I didn't feel like a 3 mile walk.
I had spaghetti and meatballs (from a tin) for dinner, since I decided I should go to a shoe string buget on general principal of having spent such a ludicrous amount of money. At least I can say that I will be fashionable at the wedding, by sporting a Calvin Klein shirt! woowoo!
I managed to get in touch with Sandy, so hopefully she will call tomorrow and say we are meeting in the morning, or on Tuesday. I can't wait, I had promised myself that if I ever came to America again (which I have) then I will meet her.. here's hoping! :)
I'll let you all know how it pans out...