My trip to NE USA will take my from NYC to Buffalo via Rochester NY, Buffalo to Chicago IL, then Cleveland OH, before coming back through Niagara Falls, and Toronto.
I seem to be writing quite a bit for each day, so use the Prev and Next links to go from day to day
I got a copy of all the photos taken on Coriander's camera, these can be viewed here.
I got up early but no chance to freshen up as Russ was still asleep and my bag locked in the van.
Russ gets up then goes to sleep, so we end up leaving at about 0950am. As a result, we got to station just on time for me to collect my ticket.
The bus however, doesn't board till it is already 55mins late! My layover is only 1 hour but hopefully the bus in buffalo will be held. It shouldn't need to be held for too long though
After speaking with the driver in Erie this appears to be the case. Buffalo is aware of our delay so will hold a bus if needs be.
Everyone online is idle so not much opportunity to spod, I try to stay offline as it chews through the battery, and I need to let allo know when I have arrived.
Hooray! We made it to buffalo at 4.15
This apparently wasn't good enough for greyhound, who decided to leave the next bus 50 minutes late. This is supposedly an express service. I'd concur though it was the least late of all 3 that I travelled on.. between the 3 services I was about 3 hours late, on average more than 60 mins per bus.
Customs was entertaining, as i already had a valid Canada stamp in my passport from Niagra Falls, so i had to explain my whole tour. The guy was bored by the end so didn't ask too much else :) Now I know how to sneak through in future ;)
We all got back on the bus and some people argued about who was sitting in what seat. It makes the mind boggle as it's not as if they're going to leave any seats behind!
Two passengers appear to have been delayed, so we are waiting for the off. my neighbour who was visiting family advises me it's about an hour from this check point on peace bridge.
We leave at 6.06pm so hopefully will be there by 7.20. In reality we arrive at about 0745pm, where I meet up with deadman at the bus station. I am starving so his offer of donughts while we make our way to Christie Street, is greatly appreciated.
Yay I finally meet allo! This is the last two spods of the trp now met. Tuesday seems a lot closer now, scarily so even, this is my last weekend on this side of the pond, I better make the most of it!
We stayed up after eating pizza, enjoying chat and I got to tune and play allo's guitar. There was an attempt to show me a map but I was still a bit hyper from the bus trip.
Well, it's bed time now.. another day tomorrow, so catch you then :)