My trip to NE USA will take my from NYC to Buffalo via Rochester NY, Buffalo to Chicago IL, then Cleveland OH, before coming back through Niagara Falls, and Toronto.
I seem to be writing quite a bit for each day, so use the Prev and Next links to go from day to day
I got a copy of all the photos taken on Coriander's camera, these can be viewed here.
I lazed till mid day, island life is so sleepy :)
I spent some time trying to find transport to cleveland for bus, this is proving to be quite tricky to arrange due to other transport coonstraints.
To take a break from it, I head to the post office which is not very clearly marked, and end up in an arcade instead. After getting it wrong twice more, I finally make it there and post the cards. I doubt they'll arrive on time but that's usual right?
Arthur's brother, Russ, has offered me a lift off the island which I accept. The only other options were not managable. I book the 11am bus from Cleveland to Toronto, which gets to Toronto 6.45pm.
I find the kayak place but they only accept cash so i head for brunch.
A burger and fries came my way, served by two charming girls who helped me to find the ATM. This was (in)conveniently located beside the lobster catching machine. Nobody has ever caught a lobster with it (they are live lobsters).
I hire the kayak and paddle out to Benton Ford boat, which is part of a big ship that was cut off and stuck on the Island, and people now live in it. This took me to the east side where I had cycled the other day
I then paddled round the back of Gibraltar Island, where I came upon an apple floating in the water. I skillfully 'rescued' the apple and paddled back to the pontoon. The whole trip took 1h 30m
I was back before the band finished playing at the round house, so I got some photos in of the round house and Arthur.
Russ and Doug take me off island in their van, they seemed a little paranoid about me being in the van, and so I huddle under a blanket in the back, like i'm being smuggled out.
I met with Doug's wife who is undergoing Chemotherapy but seems to be fairing very well despite that. After that we made it back to Russ's place.
I meet with Aunt Debbie, and the boys (Ryan and Manny), and the cats. The tabby was shy untill she realised that attention was a good thing. The black one has no teeth and is a total attention seeker. The others not around this evening.
I spend untill the small hours chatting with Debbie, before crashing out on their couch.