My trip to NE USA will take my from NYC to Buffalo via Rochester NY, Buffalo to Chicago IL, then Cleveland OH, before coming back through Niagara Falls, and Toronto.
I seem to be writing quite a bit for each day, so use the Prev and Next links to go from day to day
I got a copy of all the photos taken on Coriander's camera, these can be viewed here.
I woke up with nothing packed as I had to wait for stuff to dry.. great start!
After I finished packing, and taking out the trash I realised I couldn't find David's wedding CD (which I had promised to post) so I had to burn another one.
This done I rushed out with my rucksack and all (minus hostel card, grr where is it?)
After leaving my phone on the subway, I lost 15 minutes to having to wait for the train to do loop and get back.
Fortunately I had noticed soon enough that I was able to get it back!
I got to Prestwick airport just in time, and then the flight was delayed, no need to have rushed after all!
The filght was pretty standard.. accelerate, lift off, noise and ears, landing.
My plan had been to buy a Guinness at Dublin airport, but after I had eaten I found that I was unable to buy Guinness in the brasserrie!
Fortunately for me, I was advised that every single other bar in the airport had guiness, so I went to another bar :) Mmmm Guinness!!
I met this guy from Enniskillen, who now works on East Coast USA so we had a chat about flights and waiting in gates and stuff.
The flight itself was pretty long and tiring, with us chasing the daylight it was easy to lose track of time. Actually I think time lost track of us, because somehow I have gained another 5 hours!!
While on the plane, I was told by a cabin crew person that I had to turn off my mobile phone. I explained that it was in flight mode (and thus technically not actually a phone at that moment) and he said it was policy and i had to turn it off. Having successfully destroyed my ability to listen to my own music I felt a little peeved at that. Especially since other passengers could use their computers and all sorts, so it clearly isn't a "security" based policy.
It took me 3 hours to get from landing to the youth hostel where I now am. Part of that was due to the fact that the subway I took stopped some 20 blocks past the stop I wanted, so I had to wait for one to get me back. Fortunately the locals are friendly and were willing to help a bloke with a bird's nest for hair, and a scottish accent ;-)
Internet is pretty expensive, $2 for 20mins. So I am confining internet usage to post these.
It is 2330h in New York now, but actually 0430, so I am thinking that I will head to bed ...
First thing tomorrow I will sort out my where-with-alls and check out some sites.