Nafi, Jim, and myself decided to go for a walk to the botanical gardens with another of Nafi's friends. We took our cameras again, and made our way there during the afternoon.
Jim showed is to the unken garden, which Raine, on seeing photo, described as looking like a lavender cake! (I think she was hungry!)
After having a look round the gardens, we found hat there was a dress rehearsal going on for Miss Grand Kuala Lumpur at the stage area.
We watched while the MC was guided in what to say, and learned that second place seemed to have a much better title - Miss Inter continental Grand Kuala Lumpur!
Since we were near the National Monument, we headed there afterwards, and came across a school party from England who were there for netball and hockey compeitions!
We made our way back, and en route discovered a klinik that Jim could visit to get some medication for a bug he'd managed to pick up on his trip to Vietnam and Thailand.