We all got up around 7.45am, which was a great lie in compared to the previous days! The weather had deteriorated over night, and it was impossible to get in to the minibus without getting muddy feet. Definitely not the 40 degree weather we had been anticipating!
The plan had been to go to the Kangaro sanctuary to see the red kangaros, but the weather was so bad that that had to be shortened to just going to the shop. The owner did give us an opportunity to see a rescued joey though, and Vanessa immediately fell in love with the little roo. Later in the day, we drew more on the windows and pam included a doughy eyed Vanessa with the kangaroo!
We learned that Uluru park was closed flooding, it being the worst storm in 50 years to hit the area! We headed back to the bunks and packed the minibus, after clearing up the kitchen and breakfast things, and departed the town at about 1040am
At one point on the road to Wilmington, we passed a runway marker on the road, which looked like a zebra crossing, and Terry dubbed it as Australia's own version of Abbey road, though we opted to stay in the minibus ou of the weather!
We stopped at a service station at about 1pm, where we also grabbed some food. We took great joy in locking each other out of the minibus and in the rain and wind, and one of the girls videod Shiho and myself being stuck outside the van. The last laugh was on them though as they had covered the lens of their phone with a finger so didn't catch anything. There was some good videos though of Shiho fighting with her poncho on the way to the service station though!
We stopped again an hour later to grab proper lunch, and then headed on - the going was very slow though due to high winds and rain, meaning visibility was very poor, and the bus was struggling to make headway.
It was still horizontal rain when we reached the salt lake at 3.45pm, but we piled out to take photographs of the sign so that we could see what we were missing in the zero visibility!
The next stop was unexpected, as we stopped at RAF Woomera, were there was lots of UK space race items on display outside. I tried to get as much footage as possible, but the phone was sure that every single rain drop landing was me pressing the screen, so it was quite tricky. I did manage to photograph some of the wreckage of blue streak though and the information sign.
We stopped off at 7.20 in pt. Augustus t buy beers for the night, and headed on to Stony Creek campsite.
As soon as we arrived and had moved the bags in to the rooms, we set to work on dinner which was a massive plate of sausages and steaks. We had decided that Kathrin was going to do the dishes tonight as we felt as a group she had not really contributed a lot.
To round off the evening, we played a card game called ring of fire - the forfeit was to eat a spoon of vegemite, which was fine by me, as it is just like Marmite :)
Near the end of the game, the power went out, and we had to fashion a light in the kitchen area using our torches. We continued the antics with a game of never ever, and finally made it to bed for about 2am
I woke around 3.20 to go to the loo, and for the first time in almost a week, I was able to see the stars in the sky! I made my way to the outhouse nd there were giant ants on the trail there, probably looking bigger than they were due to the torchlight and shadows. There was no water though, and still no power.